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How to avoid raccoon attacks?

Raccoon attacks on humans are relatively rare, and raccoons generally tend to avoid confrontation with humans unless they feel threatened or cornered. However, raccoon attacks can happen. Recently a short video on youtube shows that a raccoon is attacking a little girl when she is coming home.

Therefore, it’s essential to exercise caution and take preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of any potential negative encounters with raccoons. Here are some tips to help you avoid raccoon attacks:

Do not feed raccoons

Feeding raccoons can encourage them to become comfortable and dependent on humans, increasing the risk of aggressive behavior. Keep garbage cans securely sealed, avoid leaving pet food outside, and do not intentionally feed raccoons.

Secure trash bins

Raccoons are attracted to food sources, so make sure your trash bins have tight-fitting lids and are secured to prevent raccoons from accessing them.

Seal potential entry points

Raccoons are skilled climbers and can access attics, crawl spaces, or other openings in buildings. Inspect your property for any potential entry points, such as gaps in the roof or walls, and seal them to prevent raccoons from getting inside.

Remove outdoor food sources

Ensure that bird feeders are positioned in a way that does not attract raccoons. Clean up fallen fruit from trees, and secure compost piles to eliminate potential food sources.

Keep pets safe

If you have outdoor pets, supervise them during outdoor activities, especially at night. Raccoons may perceive pets as threats and can become aggressive in their defense.

Make noise

If you encounter a raccoon outside and it seems unafraid or aggressive, making loud noises or clapping your hands can help scare it away. Give the raccoon a clear escape route, and avoid cornering or trapping it.

Teach children about raccoon safety

Educate children about the importance of not approaching or provoking raccoons and to notify an adult if they encounter one.

Contact local authorities

If you are facing persistent raccoon problems or encounter a raccoon that appears sick or aggressive, contact your local animal control or wildlife agency for guidance and assistance.

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